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1118 The Value of Micro-credentials in Career Development, Nov 2024

Recorded Webinar

The Value of Micro-credentials in Career Development

By Paige McDonough and Kim Oppelt, Ed.D.

Recorded on November 7, 2024

Given the rapid speed of change in career advising, it is important for career practitioners to continue to upskill. Micro-credentials are an effective method to update targeted skills. These bite-sized certifications provide focused learning opportunities tailored to specific skills and competencies, allowing individuals to customize their educational journey according to their career aspirations and industry demands. Join us to explore the structure of a micro-credential, how long it takes to get one, and how can it be useful to a practitioner, along with understanding how to identify and select the most useful micro-credentials.

Kim Oppelt, Ed.D., is the Vice President of Career Readiness and Development at Kuder and cofounder of the Institute for Career Advising and Development, Kuder’s professional development division. Dr. Oppelt has over 20 years of experience in career and college readiness, both as a school counselor and through roles in educational technology. Throughout her career, Dr. Oppelt has worked with districts throughout the US to design successful pathway planning processes, developed products and programming for K-12 students, and researched the pathway planning process. Dr. Oppelt has a B.A.S. in Health Education from the University of Minnesota Duluth, a M.S. in counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Stout, and an Ed.D from St. Mary’s University.

Paige McDonough is the Senior Director of Career Development at Kuder and cofounder of the Institute for Career Advising and Development, Kuder’s professional development division. Paige is a Certified Career Counselor through NCDA, a Facilitating Career Development Instructor (FCD-I), and a Global Career Development Facilitator through CCE. She has close to 20 years of experience delivering career development initiatives across the US, Australia, and Qatar in schools, higher ed, and not-for profits. During her time in Qatar, she was one of the first FCD-I’s in the region and successfully delivered the first FCD cohort in Qatar. In her current role at Kuder, she builds on that knowledge to deliver career advising training to professionals across all organizations. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas in Austin and a master’s degree in counseling from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas.


1118 The Value of Micro-credentials in Career Development, Nov 2024


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