Dephy Oon is a leadership consultant whose clients are top business executives in Malaysia and the region. Here, in this talk, she will provide some perspectives to benefit those who are interested to develop their careers and / or businesses in alignment with new trends and changes that are showing up, that are driven by new developments in the business front.
This session will provide some insights along the topics of:
Be prepared for these changes and bring your questions about others you have encountered. Learn how to make the best of them from an expert.
In attending this webinar, APCDA Professional Members will be updated on the Career Management Coaching skills in the APCDA Career Service Competencies as Ms. Oon describes how employers are changing the way they view the employer-employee relationships. Read here for more information about APCDA Career Service Competencies.
Ms Dephy Oon is a highly regarded leader personal coach who works with career and business professionals and those with high political aspirations. Her clients are CEOs, members of the Board of Directors and high performers. Ms. Oon helps leaders to have more fun and empowering conversations to grow their careers and businesses to the next level. She is a trained professional to manage business outcomes for Malaysia’s Cyberjaya smart city project, bring diverse stakeholders together and achieving a singular mutually beneficial and profitable business vision. She held several positions as Executive Director in companies in Malaysia and China, and is currently Chief Executive of Paddee Connexions LLP, a provider of 21st century leadership skills for leaders. She is an Alumni member of National University of Singapore and was previously a member of Malaysia institute of Corporate Governance.
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