A few years ago, we worried about the ethics of meeting with clients using online technology like Zoom. During the pandemic most of us were forced into remote coaching/counseling, and we discovered that online meetings allow us to use our time more efficiently. Now is a good time to assess the strengths and weaknesses of this type of technology in career coaching/counseling. Rich Feller, one of the developers of Conversations Matter - a highly effective use of this type of technology, will lead this discussion.
Note: This is not a lecture. This is a discussion and will make extensive use of breakout rooms. You are not required to turn on your camera, but we do expect you to share your thoughts. We ask that each attendee be prepared to share your thoughts and ideas with other attendees.
Rich Feller, PhD, had a long career as a professor at Colorado State University. He is also a licensed professional counselor, certified coach, futurist, thought leader, international keynote speaker, consultant, and author. He is a Past President of National Career Development Association and winner of its Eminent Career Award. He is a chief advisor to YouScience (a career assessment company), co-owner of One Life Tools (publisher of Conversations Matter), and provides training for career coaches using the Knowdell cardsorts, among many other activities.
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