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1603 Employment Insecurity during the Time of COVID-19: Strategies for Career Practitioners, Aug 2020

Recorded Webinar

Employment Insecurity during the Time of COVID-19: Strategies for Career Practitioners

By Dr. David Blustein
Recorded on August 12, 2020

Unemployment, underemployment, precarious work along with uncertainty about the future have quickly emerged as a crisis within the pandemic crisis, affecting millions of people around the globe. The COVID-19 crisis has ruptured already fragile systems in nearly all sectors of life, including work, mental health, social and economic disparities, and of course, our physical health. Using breakout groups and a review of recent psychological and economic trends, this webinar will review the major work-based challenges of employment insecurity that are most relevant for the participants. Practice ideas that are informed by new theoretical innovations in career development (e.g., psychology of working theory) will be presented to support the challenging work of career practitioners during this difficult period.

David L. Blustein, Ph.D., is a Professor and Duggane Faculty Fellow in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College.  David is the author of The Psychology of Working: A New Perspective for Career Development, Counseling, and Public Policy and the recently published The Importance of Work in an Age of Uncertainty: The Eroding Experience of Work in America. He has contributed journal articles, book chapters, and advocacy work on unemployment, integrative mental health and work-based interventions, psychology of working theory, decent work, precarious work, relationships and work, and other aspects of the role of work in people’s lives.


1603 Employment Insecurity during the Time of COVID-19: Strategies for Career Practitioners, Aug 2020


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